Student Registration for olympiad Exams
Student Registration Form 2023-24

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Annual Olympiad Exams
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Indian Talent Olympiad Schedule

ISO – International Science Olympiad 21st Aug 2024 2nd Jan 2025
IMO – International Maths Olympiad 22nd Aug 2024 3rd Jan 2025
IEO – International English Olympiad 23rd Aug 2024 4th Jan 2025
IGKO – International General Knowledge Olympiad 24th Aug 2024 5th Jan 2025

Olympiad Exams and Registration

The International Olympiad is an Olympiad Organization that conducts Olympiad exams at national and international level. These competitive exams offered to school students studying between class 1 and class 10. These exams assess students' knowledge and proficiency in a variety of Olympiad subjects, including International Mathematics Olympiad, International Science Olympiad, English International Olympiad, and International General Knowledge Olympiad.

Olympiad exams have grown in popularity in recent years because to the numerous benefits they provide for students. This essay will go into great detail on the benefits of Olympiad tests. It is now easier than ever to register for The International Olympiad Exams. Students can now take Olympiad examinations online from the comfort of their own homes. There are no eligibility prerequisites for participation. Individual registration for students in grades 1-10 is feasible by completing the Olympiad Registration form. Students can register for the exam and order exam preparation materials. Individual students can register for the exam via the student registration form. Parents and educators should encourage their children to take part in these competitive exams. Furthermore,